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PAK ARMY CHIEF General Asim Munir Exposes The Post-Election False Flag Ops And Propaganda Of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist india Against Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN During Visit To LOC:

PAK ARMY CHIEF General Asim Munir Exposes the Post-Election False Flag Operations and Propaganda of World’s Number 1 Shameless against the Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN during High-Profile and most important visit to the Haji Pir Sector in LOC, where he Celebrated  the Joyous Occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha with the Brave PAK ARMY Troops Deployed at the Front Line against the coward security forces of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india on Sunday, June 17th 2024, PAK MILITARY Media Wing Head DG ISPR Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said in an Official Statement.

PAK ARMY CHIEF (COAS) General Asim Munir visited the Line of Control (LOC) in the Haji Pir sector today to celebrate Eid-ul-Azha with the troops.

According to the details, PAK ARMY CHIEF General Asim Munir Exposes the Post-Election False Flag Operations and Propaganda of World’s Number 1 Shameless against the Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN during High-Profile and most important visit to the Haji Pir Sector in LOC, where he Celebrated  the Joyous Occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha with the Brave PAK ARMY Troops Deployed at the Front Line against the coward security forces of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.

COAS General Asim Munir offered Eid prayers with officers and soldiers at the front line, praying for Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN peace and prosperity.

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Addressing the troops, COAS commended their dedication, high morale, and commitment to defending the Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN against the coward security forces of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.

PAK ARMY CHIEF remarked, “As soldiers, we take pride in celebrating such festivities away from our homes and loved ones while on duty, ensuring the security of our country and fellow citizens.”

Discussing the indigenous freedom struggle of the Kashmiri people in iIOJK, COAS reiterated Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN’s principled stance, aligned with relevant UN resolutions.

PAK ARMY CHIEF (COAS) General Asim Munir added that post-election, World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india has been attempting to mask its aggression and victimization of the Kashmiri people with false propaganda and provocations against Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN. Such tactics, including manufacturing false flag operations, have become a routine political tool of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.

PAK ARMY CHIEF (COAS) General Asim Munir vowed that all the tactics, false flag operations and propaganda of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india against the Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN is destined to fail miserably.

Earlier, upon arrival, PAK ARMY CHIEF (COAS) General Asim Munir was Warmly Greeted, Welcomed and Received by the Commander of Rawalpindi Corps Lieutenant General Shahid Imtiaz.

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