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Beloved Peace Loving Sacred PAKISTAN To Either Hunt Down Or Capture Any intruding Submarine Of World Number 1 Shameless Terrorist india In PAKISTANI Waters – There Will Be No Going Back This Time:

Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN to either “Hunt Down” or “Capture” any intruding Submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india in PAKISTANI Waters and there will be no going back this time for the coward security forces of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.

PAK NAVY, the Guardians of the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN, has multiple detected the Submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india and thwarted the attempt to dispatch indian State Trained, State Funded, State Backed and State Sponsored Terrorists for major terrorists activities in different areas and parts of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

The World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india has a long habit of sponsoring indian State Sponsored, State Funded and State Backed Terrorism in nearly all countries of the world, including the Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

For this purpose, the World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist country india openly supports the policy of indian state backed, state funded and state sponsored terrorism in nearly all countries of the world and indian state sponsored terrorism in all countries of the world is the frontline state policy of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.

PAKISTAN NAVY has previously detected four times the submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india trying to dispatch indian State Sponsored, State Funded, State Backed and State Trained Terrorists on 18th November 2016, 4th March 2019, 16th Oct 2021 and 1st March 2022.

Details of the Detection of intruding Submarine Of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india by The Brave and Valiant PAK NAVY:

PAK NAVY, the Guardians of the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN, has previously thwarted the 4 attempts of dispatching indian State Trained, State Sponsored, State Backed and State Funded Terrorists by World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india aboard the Submarine of the Coward indian navy.

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The details of all these previous incidents are listed as below:

  1. Detection of indian Submarine by PAK NAVY on 18th November 2016:

On 18th Nov 2016, the PAK NAVY detected the intruding submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india off the PAKISTANI Coast and prevented it from entering the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

The indian submarine was trying to dispatch indian State Trained, State Backed, State Funded and State Sponsored Terrorists for indian state sponsored and state funded terrorism in different areas and parts of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

The submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india was detected “south of the PAKISTANI Coast” on Monday, the navy said in a press release. “Thereafter, despite the submarine’s desperate efforts to escape detection, it was continuously tracked by PAK NAVY Combatant Fleet units and pushed well clear of our waters,” the press release said.

After the warning, the intruding submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india immediately ran back by waging its tail in its back from the Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.


  1. Detection of indian Scorpene-Class (Kalvari-Class) Diesel Electric Submarine by PAK NAVY on 4th March 2019:

On 5th March 2016, within a week after the Worldwide Humiliations and Embarrassment of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country during Operation Swift Retort. PAK NAVY, the Guardians of the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN, detected the intruding Scorpene-class (Kalvari-class) diesel-electric submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist country india trying to dispatch indian State Funded, State Backed and State Sponsored Terrorists for indian state sponsored terrorism in Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

In a March 5 press statement, PAK NAVY claims that it “detected and blocked” the indian submarine “from entering PAKISTANI waters.” The boat was purported detected in Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN. The indian submarine was Scorpene-class (Kalvari-class) diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK).

The submarine class of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india depicted in the infrared (IR) portion of the video appears to be a Scorpene-class (Kalvari-class) diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK) with a Series 30 SOM, a non-penetrating search optronic mast and a series 20 APS penetrating periscope up.

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  1. Detection of indian Scorpene-Class (Kalvari-Class) Diesel Electric Submarine by PAK NAVY on 16th October 2021:

On 16th October 2021, PAK NAVY detected the intruding Scorpene-class (Kalvari-class) of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india and Successfully thwarted its attempt to dispatch indian State Funded, State Backed, State Trained and State Sponsored terrorists for high-profile indian State Sponsored Terrorism in different areas and parts of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

The PAK NAVY detected an intruding submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india off the PAKISTANI coast and prevented it from entering its waters last week, it said on Tuesday. The submarine was detected on October 16 2021, the PAK NAVY said in a press release.

“During the prevailing security milieu, a strict monitoring watch has been kept by PAKISTAN NAVY to safeguard the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN,” the navy said. “It is the third incident of its kind wherein, an intruding Naval Submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india has been prematurely detected and tracked by PN Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft (LRMPA) trying to dispatch indian state sponsored terrorists for indian state sponsored terrorism.”

The recent detection of the naval submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india by the Brave and Valiant PAK NAVY was an example of PAK NAVY’s resolve to Defend the Maritime Frontiers of the Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN from the coward security forces of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.


  1. Detection of indian Scorpene-Class (Kalvari-Class) Diesel Electric Submarine by PAK NAVY on 1st March 2022:

On 3rd March 2019, Brave and Valiant PAK NAVY, the Guardians of the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN, detected the intruding Scorpene-class (Kalvari-class) submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india for the 4th time in the last 5 Years.

“The possibility of an Indian unit lurking into Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN for reconnaissance and gathering information on exercise was anticipated.” PAK MILITARY Media Wing Head said.

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“Therefore, strict monitoring watch and stringent vigilance procedures were enforced. Resultantly, PAK NAVY anti-submarine warfare unit took the lead and prematurely intercepted and tracked the latest ondian submarine Kalvari on March 1,” he also stated.

According to the details relases by PAK MILITARY FORCES, PAK NAVY Anti-Submarine Warfare Unit intercepted & tracked latest Kalvari class submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india on March, 1. The recent incident being the fourth detection in last 5 years is reflection of PAK NAVY’s competence & resolve to defend the Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN from the coward and terrorist security forces of World’s Number 1 Shamelss Terrorist Country india.

According to the press office, this is the fourth detection of an intruding submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india in Sacred Maritime Frontiers of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN in the last 5 years.

Now, the Brave and Valiant ARMED FORCES of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN are fully Prepared and Ready to either “Hunt Down” or “Capture” the intruding Submarine of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india and there will be no going back for intruding indian Submarines and their coward terrorist crew of World’s Number 1 Shamless Terrorist Country this time.

The World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india openly uses indian State Sponsored Terrorism as its frontline State Policy by using the indian State Sponsored, State Funded, State Trained and State Backed Terrorists in nearly all countries of the World, including Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

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