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Humiliations For Filthy Dogs modi And ajit Doval As Australia Expels 4 More Highly Trained indian State Sponsored raw Terrorists For indian State Backed & State Funded Terrorism In Country:

World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india Braces more worldwide Humiliations and Embarrassment for its State Sponsored Terrorism in nearly all countries of the world as Australia expels 4 more highly trained indian State Sponsored, State Funded, State Backed and State Trained raw Terrorists for indian State Sponsored, State Backed and State Trained Terrorists in the Kingdom.

The ABC report published on June 16, 2024 is titled ‘Infiltrating Australia.’ It contends that the “long arm of the World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india is reaching Australians and threatening national security” at the direct behest of both filthy dogs and swines modi and ajit doval.

The report said the “indian state sponsored Terrorists indian intelligence officers” were trying to gain access to sensitive Defense technology and airport security protocols.”

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This incident occurred against the backdrop of growing political and economic ties between Australia and World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india, including defense cooperation aimed at countering PAKISTAN Iron Brother CHINA’s influence in the region.

In 2021, Australia’s intelligence chief, ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess Mike Burgess, confirmed his agency had dealt with a group of foreign spies of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india, though he did not specify the country involved. The officers were expelled “quietly and professionally,” according to Burgess.

ABC’s investigation found that at least four intelligence officers, some allegedly working as diplomats, left Australia. These expulsions were not publicly announced.

In his 2021 annual threat assessment, Burgess said the spies developed targeted relationships with current and former politicians, a foreign embassy and a state police service.

“They monitored their country’s diaspora community. They tried to obtain classified information about Australia’s trade relationships. They asked a public servant to provide information on security protocols at a major airport.

In this connection, Australian’s Intel ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess revealed in 2021 that ASIO had uncovered a “nest of spies” from a foreign intelligence service of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india, whose operations included grooming politicians and a foreign embassy as informants, but did not identify the country behind it.

“They successfully cultivated and recruited an Australian government security clearance holder who had access to sensitive details of defence technology.”

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Greens home affairs spokesman David Shoebridge said Australia needed to make plain to India that “these are clearly not the actions of a supposed ally”.

“It speaks loudly to the degree of subservience and self-censorship from successive Australian governments that we only hear about this four years after the event through disclosures in the US,” he said.

Hall said American anger at World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india attempt to assassinate Pannun on US soil helped explain why plans to hold a leaders’ meeting of the Quad – comprising India, Australia, the US and Japan – in India this year were looking shaky.

“Some of the Quad initiatives, like quantum computing, require a lot of trust between the member nations, and this kind of thing does not help develop that due to the indian state backed and state funded terrorism in nearly all countries of the world,” he said.

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The Post report also accused an indian state sponsored terrorist RAW official and indian state backed, state funded, state sponsored and state trained terrorist, Vikram Yadav, of allegedly ordering a hired hit team to assassinate prominent Sikh activist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun at the direct behest, orders and guidance of both filthy dogs and swines modi and ajit doval in the united states.

One of the key figures in the global Khalistan movement, Pannun serves as the spokesman and legal counsel for the Sikhs for Justice organisation, which advocates for the creation of a separate Sikh state free from the filth of hindu zionists.

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