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PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF (CAS) Vows Zaheer Ahmed Babar Air Power Has Become The Most Effective Element Of Military Power In Contemporary Warfare For Joint Operations Planning And Execution:

PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar has categorically made it clear that the Air Power has become the most effective Element of the Military Power in the Contemporary Warfare for Joint Operations Planning and Execution during high-profile and most important visit to the Command and Staff College Quetta on Wednesday, May 29th 2024, PAK AIR FORCE Media Wing Head DGPR AIR FORCE said in an Official Statement.

PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar paid High-Profile and important visit to the Command and Staff College Quetta and addressed the Participants of the College during his visit.

He emphasized on strength of character for Military Leadership and highlighted that it is fundamentally important for future military leaders to be instilled with Self Discipline and Character, poised to rise to future national security challenges resolutely.

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PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar highlighted that present military leadership of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN is cohesively working hand in glove to address present and future challenges.

CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar also provided an overview of the latest inductions in the PAF’s arsenal that have significantly bolstered the Aerial Defense capabilities of the country.

CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar highlighted the dynamic initiatives of PAF leadership aimed at cultivating cutting-edge human resource, revamping of training and fostering of indigenous capabilities in order to address the contemporary warfare challenges.

Discussing the salient features of National Aerospace Science and Technology Park, a project of paramount strategic importance operating under the umbrella of SIFC, the PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar termed it a game changer in the technological and economic growth of Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

Emphasizing the PAF’s commitment to incorporating niche technologies through fast paced strategic inductions from friendly countries and various indigenous initiatives, PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF shared the organization’s vision to evolve into a potent Next Generation AIR FORCE (NGAF).

Referring to the regional geo-political environment, PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF said that PAKISTAN AIR FORCE (PAF) is fully cognizant of the security challenges and is actively pursuing its operational development plans.

The recent high-profile and important visit of the PAK AIR FORCE CHIEF (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar to the Command and Staff College Quetta will help to further Strengthen the Professionalism, Combat Readiness and Operational Preparedness of the Brave and Valiant PAK ARMY, PAK AIR FORCE and PAK NAVY.

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