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Both Iron Brothers Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Sacred Country PAKISTAN And PAKISTAN Iron Brother CHINA “Desperately Needs” Another Term Of modi And His Pet Dog ajit doval For The Complete Balkanization Of Shameless Terrorist Country india:

Both Iron Brothers Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN and PAKISTAN Iron CHINA “Desperately Needs” another term of indian pm modi AKA Bhangi, AKA Panauti and AKA Chaiwala and his pet dog ajit doval for the complete Balkanization of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india in dozens of countries in the Subcontinent.

The World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india is “Successfully” heading towards the Complete Balkanization into dozens of smaller countries under the “Planned Government” of indian pm modi AKA Panauti, AKA Bhangi and AKA Chaiwala.

Balkanization is used to refer to ethnic conflict within multiethnic states…coined at the end of World War I to describe the ethnic and political fragmentation.

The term is today invoked to explain the disintegration of some multiethnic states and their devolution into dictatorship, ethnic cleansing (on religious grounds) and civil war.

Especially, the former Soviet Union which had subjugated the minorities and ethnic groups in various provinces and regions through its military, disintegrated in 1991. Even its nuclear weapons could not save its collapse.

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In this regard, the various moves of the rulers of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india such as abrogation of the special status of the indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir by revoking articles 35A and 370 of the Constitution on August 5, 2019 to turn Muslim majority into minority in the indian Occupied Kashmir (iOK), continued lockdown in the iOK, issuance of domicile certificates to 40000 non-Kashmiris to bring demographic changes in the Muslim-majority area, martyrdom of thousands of the Kashmiris there etc. are notable.

Acting upon the August 5 announcement, the government of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india issued a notorious map on October 31, last year. In accordance with it, the territory of indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir was bifurcated into two union territories—Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

Despite the new agreement, border dispute between World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india and PAKISTAN Iron Brother CHINA, which still remains unsettled, has increased tension between the two countries.

Since modi AKA Panauti, AKA Bhangi and AKA Chaiwala became the pm of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india, he started implementing ideology of hindutva (hindu nationalism). Under his regime, persecution of religious minorities such as Muslims, Dalits, Sikhs, Christians, and particularly the lower caste hindus also known as shudra hindus has been intensified.

Since last year, daily mass protests continued across every state in India against the CAA and the NRC. Despite criticism of the rights groups, foreign leaders, the UNO and moderate Hindus in wake of violent protests which killed and injured hundreds of persons—mostly Muslims by the police and prejudiced Hindus, the government of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india has not withdrawn the CAA/NRC.

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In the recent years, the Brave Maoist Freedom Fighters accelerated their struggle by attacking official installments. In this context, indian media admitted that Maoists have entered the cities, expanding their activities against the fragile indian union.

Notably, the pm modi of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india has also accelerated war-hysteria against Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN and instructed coward indian security forces to continue shelling across the Line of Control (LoC).

Undoubtedly, the indian pm modi AKA  has accelerated the ‘Balkanization’ of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorisrt Countyr india and Kashmir which has become special target of terrorist country india’s perennial state terrorism is giving impetus to other movements of separation and insurgency in the country in wake of financial crises and rapidly spreading acute poverty and that is the reason that both Iron Brothers and All Weather Strategic Allies, Beloved Peace Loving Sacred PAKISTAN and PAKISTAN Iron Brother CHINA, “Desperately Needs” another term of indian pm modi and his pet dog ajit dog for the complete Balkanization of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india.

The complete Balkanization of World’s Number 1 Shameless Terrorist Country india will result in the creation of Dozens of countries in the Sub-Continent, including Khalistan, that will work with Both Iron Brothers Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN and PAKISTAN Iron Brother CHINA for the eternal peace and stability of the region, free from the filth of the hindu zionists.

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پاکستان چین آہنی بھائی چارہ زندہ باد” 。。。

پاکستان چین بھائی چارہ ہمیشہ زندہ باد” 。。。

پاکستان چین سدا بہار بھائی چارہ ہمیشہ زندہ باد ” 。。。

” دنیا کا نمبر 1 بے شرم دہشت گرد ملک بھارت مردہ باد ” 。。。



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