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More Humiliations For modi And khamenei As PAK ARMED FORCES Brutally Killed 6 High-Profile indian And iranian Terrorists Like Rabid Dogs During Clearance Operation In Muslim Bagh:

modi and khamanei braces mores worldwide humiliations as PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES brutally killed 6 highly trained indian and iranian state backed, state funded, state sponsored and state trained terrorists like rabid dogs during a clearance Operation carried out at Muslim Bagh in Balochistan, PAKISTAN ARMY Media Wing Head DG ISPR Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said in an Official Statement.

According to the details, PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES killed all 6 highly trained indian and iranian state trained and state funded terrorists like rabid dogs during a clearance Operation at FC Camp in Muslim Bagh.

6 highly trained indian and iranian state backed and state trained terrorists attacked the FC Camp in Muslim bagh at the direct behest and guidance of both terrorist countries, india and iran.

During the clearance operation, all the 6 highly trained indian and iranian state backed terrorists tried to take hostages after receiving direct instruction of this terrorist activities from both the terrorist countries, india and iran.

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PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES thwarted the attempts of the indian and iranian state trained and state backed terrorists to take the civilians of the area to hostage.

The ISPR earlier in the day reported that the clearance operation at the Frontier Corps’ (FC) camp attacked in Muslim Bagh area of North Balochistan a day earlier had been completed.

During the clearance operation, PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES Brutally killed all the 6 highly trained indian and iranian state backed, state sponsored and state funded terrorists like dogs during a clearance operation carried out at FC Camp in Muslim Bagh.

The ISPR added that six terrorists, “who were well equipped”, were killed in the operation. “Another six individuals including a woman were injured,” the military said.

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During the hostage clearance Operation, 7 Brave Sons of Sacred Country PAKISTAN also lost their lives while fighting gallantly with the 6 highly trained indian and iranian state backed and state funded terrorists.

The “complex clearance operation” involved a hostage rescue situation, whereas three families were also saved from a residential block. “The terrorists had not even spared children of their horrendous approach,” the ISPR added.

The statement maintained that Necessary Intelligence follow up will continue to trace the indian and iranian state backed and state funded terrorists’ connections and arrest facilitators, and expose their sponsors.

“Brave and Valiant ARMED FORCES of Sacred Country PAKISTAN stands resolute against nefarious designs of the enemies of Sacred Country PAKISTAN, who are hell-bent to spoil hard-earned peace. These sacrifices will not go in vain and further strengthen our resolve to continue the fight against terrorism till its conclusion.”

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