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PAKISTANI Nation Pays Rich And Glorious Tribute To Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider On His 49th Martyrdom Anniversary:

The 220 Million Brave and Great PAKISTANI Nation pay a glorious and rich tribute to the Major Akram Shaheed, recipient of PAKISTAN’s Highest Gallantry Award Nishan-E-Haider, on his 49th Martyrdom Anniversary, PAKISTAN ARMY Media Wing Head Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar said in an official statement on the official Twitter handler.

Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider embraced martyrdom in the Battle of Hilli before displaying a remarkable valor against all odds. Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider has laid down his life for the Sake of this Brave and Great Nation and this Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

PAKISTANI Nation Pays Rich And Glorious Tribute To Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider On His 49th Martyrdom Anniversary
PAKISTANI Nation Pays Rich And Glorious Tribute To Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider On His 49th Martyrdom Anniversary

“A tribute to Major Akram Shaheed, Nishan-e-Haider for his supreme sacrifice. Displaying valor against all odds, he heroically repulsed innumerable attacks by the enemy, inflicting heavy losses in the battle of Hilli. Such exemplary courage is the hallmark of defenders of the motherland, DG ISRP said.

Early Life and Commissioning in PAKISTAN ARMY:

Major Akram Shaheed, Recipient of Nishan E Haider, was born on 4 April 1938 in Dingha, a district of Gujrat. Later, Major Akram commissioned the PAKISTAN ARMY by joining the Frontier Force Regiment on 13 October 1963.

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Major Akram Shaheed Nishan-E-Haider
Major Akram Shaheed Nishan-E-Haider

Major Akram also served as the Captain of PAKISTAN ARMY in the PAKISTAN-india War of 1965. During the war, Major Akram spearheads many successful military operations against the indian army.

During the War of 1971, Major Akram commanded a company of Four Frontier Force (FFF) Regiments in the forward area in the Hilli district of East PAKISTAN, where Major Akram and all his troops experienced unremitting, artillery, air and armor attacks from the coward indian security forces.

Regardless of being odd in numbers and limited possession of munitions, Major Akram and all his soldiers fought bravely in the Battle of Hilli by inflicting heavy losses to the indian forces both in terms of men and material.

Major Akram and his Brave Soldiers have killed hundreds of coward indian soldiers in the Battle of Hilli, which forced the indian forces to retreat from the area.

The indian forces had planned to disrupt the important supply and reinforcement line by destroying the strategically important rail link in the Northern Region. The coward indian forces despite being in superiority both in terms of men and munitions, failed miserably to fight with the Major Akram and his Brave men in the battle. The Battle of Hilli resulted in the heavy casualties of the indian security forces by the troops commanded by the Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider.

Major Akram Shaheed and all his men fought with great valor and bravery against the coward indian forces in the Battle of Hilli. During the Battle of Hilli, Major Akram Shaheed embraced Martyrdom and was posthumously awarded the highest Gallantry Award of PAKISTAN – The NISHAN-E-HAIDER – for his utter Bravery and Valor.

The 220 Million Great and Brave PAKISTAN NATION pays rich tribute to all the Sacred Sons of Great PAKISTAN, including Major Akram Shaheed Nishan E Haider, who have laid down their lives for the sake of this Great Nation and their Sacred Country PAKISTAN.

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May the Sacred Soul of Major Akram Shaheed Always Rest in Eternal Peace In Jannah. Ameen Sum Ameen

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

“And Say Not Of Those Who Are Slain In The Way Of ALLAH ALMIGHTY: ‘They Are Dead.’ Nay, They Are Living, Though You Perceive It Not.” (QUR’AN 2:154)

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