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PAK NAVY Heavily Armed Stealth Warship PNS BABUR Conducts NAVAL Exercise With Royal Navy Of Oman During Its Maiden Voyage From PAKISTAN Iron Brother TURKIYE To Sacred Country PAKISTAN:

PAK NAVY Heavily Armed Multipurpose Stealth Warship PNS BABUR conducts NAVAL Exercise with Royal Navy of Oman during its Maiden Voyage from PAKISTAN Iron Brother TURKIYE to Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN During Official visit to Salalah Port in Oman on Tuesday, 25th June 2024, PAK NAVY Media Wing Head DGPR Navy said in an Official Statement.

Upon arrival at Salalah Port in Oman, the PAK NAVY Newly Constructed Stealth Warship PNS BABUR was warmly Greeted, Welcomed and Received by the Top Senior Officials of Royal Navy of Oman and Diplomatic Staff of Sacred PAKISTAN.

During the stay at port, various bilateral activities including exchange visits, orientation visits to Military installations, and coordination meetings were conducted to share professional knowledge and learn from each other’s experience.

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The Visit of PAK NAVY Stealth Warship PNS BABUR was aimed at strengthening bilateral diplomatic ties, bonds of brotherhood and to foster mutual understanding between the NAVAL FORCES of both the Brotherly ISLAMIC Countries, Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN and ISLAMIC Brotherly Country Oman.

Upon completion of Port call, the PAK NAVY’s Newly Constructed Heavily Armed Multipurpose Stealth Warship PNS BABUR conducted the Joint NAVAL Exercise with the Stealth Warship of Royal Navy of Oman in order to enhance the Interoperability and Combat Readiness between the NAVAL FORCES of both the Iron Brother ISLAMIC Countries, Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN and ISLAMIC Brotherly Country Oman.

PAK NAVY Heavily Armed Multipurpose Stealth Warship PNS BABUR’s Port call at Salalah, Oman will further strengthen bonds of brotherhood between both Brotherly ISLAMIC Countries, Beloved Peace Loving Sacred Country PAKISTAN and ISLAMIC Brotherly Country Oman, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between the NAVAL FORCES of both the Brotherly ISLAMIC Countries.

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