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PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF Conferred With Britannia Royal Naval College Medal During UK Visit:

The PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi, who is on an official visit to the United Kingdom, was conferred with the Britannia Royal Naval War College Medal. 

The prestigious medal was conferred to the CNS during meeting with the UK Royal Navy’s First Sea Lord Tony Radakin, Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Ships) Jim Hagham during his official UK Visit.

The PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF spent a very busy day during his UK Visit. The PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF also attended the Think Tank, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), where he also delivered a lecture.

The CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF also visited the UK’s National Maritime Information Centre and he also attended the Strategic Round Conference in UK.

Earlier upon arrival at the UK Naval Headquarter, the CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF was presented the ceremonial Guard of Honor by the smart contingent.

Later, the PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi held separate meetings with the UK Chaplain of the Fleet Martyn John Gough, Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Ships) Rear Admiral Jim Hagham and First Sea Lord Admiral Tony Radakin.

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CNS Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit
CNS Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit

In another meeting, the CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi held separate meetings with the Commander Operation Royal Navy, UK’s Vice Chief of Defense Staff and Commandant Royal College of Defense Studies (RCDS).

CNS Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit during Meeting
CNS Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit during Meeting
During the meeting, both parties discussed issues related to mutual interest, maritime security and naval collaborations.

The PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi addressed the students/audience of Royal College of Defense Studies (RCDS) on the topic of “World Order, Past & Present – Reflection At Sea & Role of Navies”. 

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The Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi also visited the Think Tank and delivered talk on South Asia & PAKISTAN NAVY’s Role in Regional Maritime Security (RMS).

During the meeting, matters related to mutual interest, bilateral naval collaboration and issues related to maritime security came into discussion.

The PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi highlighted the efforts of PAKISTAN NAVY in ensuring the regional maritime security with the help of Regional Maritime Security Patrols (RMSP).

During the occasion, the PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF also thanked the counterpart for the participation of UK Naval Forces in the Multinational Maritime Exercise AMAN-19 held at Karachi.

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CNS Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit after getting Royal Britannia War College Medal
CNS Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit after getting Royal Britannia War College Medal

All the dignitaries agreed to further enhance the mutual collaboration and corporation in different domains. Later, the CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF also attended a conference Strategic Round Conference with Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Policy) and First Sea Lord Tony Radakin.

After that, a great cabin dinner was organized in the honor of PAKISTAN NAVAL CHIEF onboard Her Majesty’s Ship (HMS), where he was decorated with the esteemed Britannia Royal Naval College Medal by the First Sea Lord.

CNS Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit During meeting with Naval Chiefs
CNS Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi UK Visit During meeting with Naval Chiefs

The recent high profile visit of PAKISTAN CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF Admiral Zaffar Mahmood Abbasi to the United Kingdom will further help to boost the defense relations and military interactions between both the countries.

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